Friday, November 14, 2008

Read email and get $$$

I am not going to tell you that you can earn $2,500 - $5,000 a month simply by clicking and reading emails.

I am not going to tell you this is a fast and easy get money get rich scheme, because simply it is not.

But I am going to tell you a way where you can get some PASSIVE income from reading something that is of INTEREST to you.

At this point, if you still think that this is a quick get rich scheme where you could get earn unrealistical amount, please close the window and look for another programme.

Okay, if you are still reading, that shows that you are still interested and you want to make some money out of reading email THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN.

If you are adventurous and interested in joining the programme already and yet at the same time, you does not want to read my 'nonsense', you can just follow the link below:


If you want to know more before joining, read on.

The company is the FIRST "Get Paid To Read Email" Community Portal in Singapore and is now expanding its reach to Malaysia, Philippines, US, UK and other parts of the world. It's based on the idea of paying you to read emails that you are interested in.

If you live in Singapore, I think you would prefer a Singapore company because of the business environment and legislation here. A Singapore set-up is more reliable and trustworthy due to the fact that the laws here protect people here from unscruplous businesss.
If you don't live in Singapore, let me assure you that it is a safe and risk-free programme to join.

Okay, why should I join this programme?
Because it pays you for reading email that YOU ARE INTERESTED IN. Notice that I stress the phrase YOU ARE INTERESTED IN and I cannot stress enough. Nobody wants to read email that they are not interested in and even if they do, their passion dies off after a while and they wonder why they can't make money through the programme.

How does the company knows what kind of email I am interested in?
When you sign up for the programme, they will ask you to check on the areas that you are interested in. You choose from categories like Digital products, travel, home and decor, investing, automobiles etc ,etc. And it is important that you choose the catergoies that you are interested and not tick on everyone.

How frequently will I get the emails?
You will get email everyday, my average is about 3-5 emails per day.

Why I think it is good?
Even if they do not pay you for reading the email (which is unlikely), you still get content that you are interested in coming in your mailbox. Let the deals come to you instead of you going out to search for the deals. Which is why I say it is important for you to check only the categories that I am not interested in. You got everything to gain and nothing to lose!

How do I get the payment?
If you are living in Singapore, you can either receive your payment through Cheque or Paypal.
If you are living outside Singapore, you receive your payment through Paypal.

How much do I need to pay for this?
It is 100% free.
You have absolutely no risk but everything to gain.


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